Our Co-op is a group of homeschoolers who come together to worship, learn, play, and serve one another in love. Parents serve as teachers and assistants while their children attend weekly classes with other homeschoolers.
Our classes change each year dependent upon the needs and desires of the families participating. Each year we endeavor to have both academic and enrichment courses to assist you with your homeschooling needs.
We know homeschoolers don't often fall into just one grade level so our classes usually cover a range of levels: K3-5, 1st-3rd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th. As the parent, you decide which level they fit into for each particular class.
Our co-op is a group of homeschoolers who come together to worship, learn, play, and serve one another in love. Parents serve as teachers and assistants while their children attend weekly classes with other homeschoolers.
Our classes change each year dependent upon the needs and desires of the families participating. Each year we endeavor to have both academic and enrichment courses to assist you with your homeschooling needs.
We know homeschoolers don't often fall into just one grade level so our classes usually cover a range of levels: K3-5, 1st-3rd, 4th-6th, 5th-8th, 9th-12th. As the parent, you decide which level they fit into for each particular class.
BICC Membership Requirements
- Become a member of BCHA, our parent organization first. See our homepage for more details.
- Read the BICC Handbook and agree to abide by the contents therein.
- Complete a BICC New Family or Returning Family application, and submit the $50 non-refundable application fee.
- Interview with the BCHA-BICC Board, if applicable. (You will only have to interview once every three years.)
- Before the start of Co-op purchase or borrow required texts and materials for classes.
- Pay monthly Co-op fees ($20 for the first child and $10 for each additional child with a cap of $50/family).
- Pay any extra fees for classes like music and cooking as appropriate.
Find the class offerings for 2023-2024 here. For specific questions about a class, contact us at info@bcha.cc.